Since 1991, Nehemiah Gateway has been delivering essential support such as food parcels, medical aid, and social assistance to individuals in need within the Pogradec region in southeastern Albania. Our focus is on aiding the impoverished, marginalized, and disabled, striving to empower them towards a self-reliant and dignified life by addressing their fundamental necessities.
total goal
monthly donors
In Albania, 37% of people live in poverty (living on less than $5.50/day), and 5.8% live in absolute poverty (living on less than $1.90 per day). People spend over 40% of their income on food (in the US, it is 10%). Inflation, soaring in 2022 due to COVID-19 and war in Ukraine, is impacting how people can afford to live, turning necessities into luxuries and causing great stress and uncertainty. Demand for aid parcels from NG has increased even as the cost has increased by 50%.
We provide quarterly or monthly aid parcels to at least 400 households in need yearly in the Pogradec area. Recipients are referred or request assistance. Social work teams evaluate each case and respond with help including food, cleaning supplies, medicines, and donated clothing and shoes. Our services are one of the only safety nets our clients can access. Aid parcels supplement limited household resources, so people have the ability to plan-- even modestly-- beyond their next meal.
Long-Term Impact
Humanitarian aid is the first step toward restoring human dignity, meeting basic needs for food, clothing, and health. Sadly, the need for this basic dignity has increased greatly in Albania, and we are helping people survive this difficult time. Where needed, we help them learn skills that make employment possible. Children can better keep up with their education if they have enough to eat. In some families, having food to eat at home makes it more likely children will keep going to school.
Additional Documentation
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).