Exim Experts – an institute, which comprehends well the importance of Import & Export in the development of the nation and thus, has to offer import- export training to that of the Indian importers and exporters at large. It provides export import courses and programs to import- export aspirants. Exim Experts not only offers premium quality consultancy but also conducts training classes. Exim Experts is an institute that is revolving around the world of Import- Export business by providing academic support, certification, practical training, practical business experience and live trade challenges.
Practical Training Highlights
- Intro to Exim
- Online IEC Application
- Product Selection + Product Knowledge
- Market Select + Market Knowledge
- Exim Cycle
- Incoterm 2010 + RCMC + EPC
- Online/Offline Inter. Marketing
- Online/Offline Finding buyers + Communication with Buyer
- Payment Securities + Risk Management
- Pre & Post Shipment Procedure and Practical Documentation
- Exim Finance
- Import
- IGST + Custom
- Types of Export + Transportation + Packaging