Organization: Sign of Hope
Apply By: 21 Oct 2024
About the Organization
- Sign of Hope is a faith-based Christian organization focused on human rights, humanitarian assistance, and development cooperation.
- Provides emergency and disaster relief to people in distress worldwide.
- Headquarters: Konstanz, Germany.
About the Proposal
- Project Title: Regeneration of the endangered ecosystem on the Sundarban Islands.
- Goals:Target Group: 3,000 vulnerable households.
- Afforestation and strengthening local capacities to manage natural resources independently and sustainably.
- Building sustainable livelihoods for the target group.
- Lobbying and sensitizing local communities, civil society, and government institutions on climate change adaptation strategies.
- Focus Areas: Participatory involvement through registered community-based organizations (e.g., self-help groups, Farmers Producer Companies).
Objectives and Use
Purpose of Evaluation:
- To provide a comprehensive assessment of the project and its implementation.
- To analyze the project outcomes, propose sustainability actions, and identify lessons learned.
- To support project quality assurance and donor requirements for development projects implemented by German private organizations.
Evaluation Criteria: Based on OECD/DAC criteria of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, and impact.
- Assess sustainability and improvements in beneficiaries' lives.
- Identify strengths and weaknesses in project planning, management, implementation, and monitoring.
- Evaluate cross-cutting issues such as gender equality, human rights, inclusion, etc.
- Document the impact of COVID-19 on project activities.
- Collaboration: Work closely with the SoH Officer and the local implementing partner.
- Duties Include:
- Develop a work plan with research methodology, geographical coverage, and schedule.
- Conduct a desk review of relevant documents.
- Carry out a project site visit to collect data and engage with the local implementing partner and beneficiaries.
- Review existing data and project documentation.
- Examine the capabilities of the implementing partner and stakeholder relationships.
- Utilize satellite images of the forest and mangrove vegetation.
Inception Report
- Proposed research methodology and data collection tools.
- Table of content and timeline of research activities.
Comprehensive Report
- A maximum of 30 pages with practical recommendations.
- Include relevant annexes (raw data, records).
- Template provided to structure the final report.