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Applications Invited for EFICO Foundation Project Grant

About the Organization

EFICO Foundation is a private, non-profit foundation established in 2003 by Patrick F. Installé, a member of EFICO’s founding family. It is unique in Europe for its structural support to coffee farmers and their families.

  • Founded by: Patrick F. Installé in 2003
  • Focus: Support for coffee farmers and their families
  • Membership: Includes about 40 roasters and multiple governmental organizations
  • Funding: 100% of support goes directly to projects, with EFICO covering operational costs

About the Grant

The grant supports projects that aim to positively impact coffee farmers’ livelihoods, prosperity, and environment. Key areas include:

  • Training and education programs
  • Sustainable income increase
  • Resilience to climate change
  • Infrastructure support
  • Natural resource protection

Projects are selected by an independent jury of experts, and the funds are managed by the King Baudouin Foundation to ensure transparency.


Established in 2005, the EFICO Fund within the King Baudouin Foundation monitors the foundation’s administrative and financial operations. It allocates funds from various sources to selected projects, ensuring all operational and fund-related expenses are covered by EFICO itself.

  • Board: Appointed by the King Baudouin Foundation, decides on fund allocation, appoints Jury members, and follows fund operations.
  • Jury: Independent experts who select and monitor projects.

Focus Areas for Projects

The project must aim to:

  • Improve the living conditions of coffee producers and their communities
  • Address the three dimensions of sustainability: social, environmental, and economic
  • Meet pre-determined criteria
  • Preference is given to projects with a clear strategy for self-sustainability and a leverage effect.
  • Innovation and potential to inspire a broader community are encouraged.
  • The promoter must demonstrate how the project will apply the multi-stakeholder model of the UN Global Compact.
  • Substantial contribution to one or more Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is required, with measurable progress.

How to Apply

For more detailed information, you can visit the EFICO Foundation Website.

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