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Ministry of Health and Family Welfare


Involvement of NGOs and private practitioners in the National Tuberculosis Control Programme (NTCP) is crucial as many patients seek treatment from these sources. The programme encourages the participation of NGOs and private practitioners (PPs) in its implementation.

NGO Policy: A specific NGO policy has been formulated, outlining five schemes for their involvement to foster effective community participation in the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP). Depending on their capacity, NGOs can contribute in various areas:

  1. Health Education and Community Outreach: Educating the community about tuberculosis and its prevention.
  2. Provision of Directly Observed Treatment: Ensuring patients adhere to their treatment regimen.
  3. In-Hospital Care for Tuberculosis Disease: Providing care for TB patients in hospitals.
  4. Microscopy and Treatment Centre: Setting up facilities for diagnosing and treating TB.
  5. TB Unit Model: Developing comprehensive TB units for managing and treating TB.

National Programme for Control of Blindness

Overview: The National Programme for Control of Blindness was launched in 1976 as a 100% centrally sponsored programme with the aim to reduce the prevalence of blindness from 1.4% to 0.3%.


  1. Develop eye care infrastructure throughout the country.
  2. Increase institutional capacity for eye care.
  3. Expand coverage to underserved areas.
  4. Decentralize eye care to the district level.
  5. Develop human resources for eye care at all levels.
  6. Improve the quality of eye care for better visual outcomes.
  7. Secure participation of the non-government and private sector.


  1. Construction: Dedicated eye wards and operation theatres.
  2. Supply: Ophthalmic equipment and consumables.
  3. Training: Surgeons in IOL implantation and other support personnel.
  4. Grants: To NGOs for augmenting eye care services and developing Eye Banks.
  5. School Eye Screening: For detection and correction of refractive errors.
  6. IEC: Public awareness on general eye care.

National Cancer Control Programme

Voluntary Organisations Scheme:

Overview: This scheme provides financial assistance of up to Rs. 5.00 lakhs to Voluntary Organisations for health education and early detection activities in cancer. The assistance is provided on the specific recommendations of the State Government.

Eligibility and Criteria:

  1. The organisation must be engaged in cancer control activities for the last three years.
  2. The organisation must be registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, and be a charitable organisation.
  3. Applications for grants should include:
    • Registration Certificate
    • Articles of Association
    • Bye-laws
    • Audited Statement of Accounts
    • Source and pattern of income and expenditure
    • Annual Reports for the last three years
    • Utilization Certificate for previous grants

Source: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Last Modified: 5/9/2023

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