Language: English
Publisher: Living Media India Ltd - TimeAbout Magazine
About Time Magazine:
TIME Magazine which is an International weekly news magazine which gives in depth analysis and reviews on the current situation worldwide. It also promotes featured stories, column titles, white space around articles, and accompanied opinion pieces with photographs of the writers which are met with both criticism and praise. Time’s most famous feature throughout its history has been the annual "Person of the Year" cover story, in which Time recognizes the individual or group of individuals who have had the biggest impact on news headlines over the past 12 months. In 2017, Time named The Silence Breakers, people who came forward with personal stories of sexual harassment, as Person of the Year.
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Subscribe TIME Magazine at Indiamags and get your copy at doorstep which also assembles an annual list of the 100 most influential people of the year. It also contains capsule summaries and/or reviews of then-current significant films, plays, musicals, television programs, and literary bestsellers. It also features Breaking news and analysis from politics, world news, photos, video, tech reviews, health, science and entertainment news.
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Publisher: Living Media India Ltd - Time